Colouring Dings with Photoshop

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Tutorial written by ©charlieonline graphics
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.

Please feel free to link to this tutorial,
and/or print it out for your own personal use,
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Thank you! 

This tutorial was written using PS Cs5
but may be done with other versions.
It would take a little basic knowledge to run it.

My 1 tutorials in PhotoShop

I have to thank Dona & Kath
from Learning-Photoshop-Group
This Tutorial was never born without their teaching!

Supplies needed:
My ch-TutStyles1.asl....HERE

DingFont - Floral_Design.....HERE
(I download this font from sharing group,
or Fonts/Dings sites, I don't remember where,
but the © belongs to the author.)

Plugins: no Plugins needed


Extract and place my ch-TutStyles1.asl to your Styles folder

Extract and open Nature DingFont

Set your Foreground/Background colour palette to default  

Remember to save often.

Let's begin!

1 - Create a New File


A new box window opens, and you set it as follows:

Width: 500 pixels - Height: 600 pixels
Resolution: 72
Background Contents: Transparent

2 - Select the TypeTool from the left hand ToolBox
Right Click
and from the Sub Menu select Horizontal Type Tool

At the top of your workspace set the Type Tool Options Bar as folow:

and Type the letter I in capital letter
Layer - Rasterize
and rename as flowers

This is what you should have

As you see, the stalks at the bottom has opened
and you have to close them


3 - Select the Brush Tool from your ToolBox

Reset the brushes and load the Basic Brushes if you have not in

Click OK on the window opens

In the Options bar choose brush nr 3rd,
setting as below and draw out 2 lines like these

4 - Select your Magic Wand Tool setting as below

Click on a point outside the flowers

Select - Inverse

In the Layer Palette click the Create New Layer button
Layer - New Layer

Name as style layer
and drag it at the bottom

Keep Selected!
and with the Paint Bucket Tool
fill with white color

Select - Deselect

Your image should look like this

Are you ready to colour our flowers?

5 - Select your Lasso Tool

Make sure you are in the style layer
and with the lasso setted to default
draw out a selection like this

Layer - New - Layer via Copy
rename it style3

In the Styles Palette look for my ch-TutStyles1.asl

Make sure your style3 layer is highlighted
and click on my 3rd style in the Styles palette

Layer - Smart Object - Convert to Smart Object

Layer - Rasterize

6 - Now highlight again style layer

Select again your Lasso Tool
and draw out a selection like this

Layer - New - Layer via Copy
rename it style2

and in the Styles palette click on my 2nd style

Convert to Smart Object

Layer - Rasterize

7 - Highlight again style layer

Select again your Lasso Tool
and draw out a selection like this

Layer - New - Layer via Copy
rename it style1

and in the Styles palette click on my 1th style

Convert to Smart Object

Layer - Rasterize

Now you can close your style layer

Layer - Merge Visible
and save as .png


I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
If you have questions or need clarification
post a message to my Contacts.

Written at the begin of August 2010

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